- Vin & Bar
- accesorii baruri
- accesorii vin
- boluri de zahar
- cani, cupe
- carafe
- ceainice și oale de cafea
- desfacatoare
- dopuri decorative pentru vin
- frapiere
- frapiere gheata
- latiere
- pahare, pocale
- racitoare de vin
- servicii de ceai si de cafea
- shaker
- suporturi pentru pahare
- tastevin
- Servicii de masa
- farfurii, platouri
- fructiere, castroane, boluri
- lingurite
- platou aperitive, gustari
- platouri
- servicii de bucatarie
- supiere
- suporturi vase iena
- tacamuri
- tavi, platouri
- tocatoare lemn
- Accesorii pentru servirea mesei
- capace
- cupe pentru oua
- cutite pentru unt
- inele servet, suport servetele
- lingurite
- place carduri
- platouri pentru tort
- rasnita sare si piper
- recipente pentru parmezan
- set condimente otet si ulei
- set condimente sare si piper
- sosiere
- suport scobitoare
- suport tacamuri masa
- vase pentru unt
- Articole, Accessorii birou
- calimari
- clopote
- cutii bijuterii
- jocuri de masa
- lupe, stilete corespondenta
- pusculite
- rame foto
- scrumiere
- suport carti
- suport pentru pipa
- suport pixuri
- suport scrisori
- vase pentru obiecte
- Instrumente de masura
- barometre
- busole
- calendare de birou
- ceasuri
- ceasuri de soare
- clepsidre
- suport ceas de buzunar
- termometre
- Lampi & Sfestnice
- lampi cu petrol
- lampi cu ulei
- sfetnice de perete
- stingatoare de lumanari
- suport lumanari, sfetnice
Welcome to Cosi Tabellini
Welcome to Cosi Tabellini
Cosi Tabellini offers a world-renowned range of hand-crafted pewter, crystal and ceramics that has gravitas and simple beauty that assures quality, longevity and good taste. Influenced by Cosi Tabellini's Italian roots, the range combines historic craftsmanship and integrity in a contemporary form, complementing the most traditional as well as the most modern of homes.
The extensive range offers something for every occasion, taste and budget, whether as an elegant luxury, an indulgent treat or the perfect gift for a special occasion. Our designs, for instance, merge pewter and ceramic to create a formal dinner service, or relaxed and unfussy everyday objects such as coffee mugs and tea cups; pewter and crystal glass can come together to form reassuringly weighty tumblers, and stylish cocktail wares; and pure pewter is crafted into centre-of-attention platters, exquisite candelabras and film-star goblets. We have collections to suit every home.
In which ever form Cosi Tabellini objects are items to be both used and cherished, evolving and gently antiquing over time, the feel of the object is soft, tactile and just simply good to hold, as well as behold. Cosi Tabellini pewter looks and feels quintessentially right, marrying aesthetic beauty with usefulness to become tomorrow's heirlooms for using today.
All Cosi Tabellini pewter is reassuringly lead-free, food-safe and approved by both the EU and US FDA, and hand-crafted by artisans in Lombardy, Northern Italy.
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25128 Brescia Italia
+39 030 2002363
+39 030 2002370
e-mail: info@cositabellini.it
Vat n° IT03342520172
REA n° BS-362311
© 2016 Cosi Tabellini • CT M 95