- Vin & Bar
- accesorii baruri
- accesorii vin
- boluri de zahar
- cani, cupe
- carafe
- ceainice și oale de cafea
- desfacatoare
- dopuri decorative pentru vin
- frapiere
- frapiere gheata
- latiere
- pahare, pocale
- racitoare de vin
- servicii de ceai si de cafea
- shaker
- suporturi pentru pahare
- tastevin
- Servicii de masa
- farfurii, platouri
- fructiere, castroane, boluri
- lingurite
- platou aperitive, gustari
- platouri
- servicii de bucatarie
- supiere
- suporturi vase iena
- tacamuri
- tavi, platouri
- tocatoare lemn
- Accesorii pentru servirea mesei
- capace
- cupe pentru oua
- cutite pentru unt
- inele servet, suport servetele
- lingurite
- place carduri
- platouri pentru tort
- rasnita sare si piper
- recipente pentru parmezan
- set condimente otet si ulei
- set condimente sare si piper
- sosiere
- suport scobitoare
- suport tacamuri masa
- vase pentru unt
- Articole, Accessorii birou
- calimari
- clopote
- cutii bijuterii
- jocuri de masa
- lupe, stilete corespondenta
- pusculite
- rame foto
- scrumiere
- suport carti
- suport pentru pipa
- suport pixuri
- suport scrisori
- vase pentru obiecte
- Instrumente de masura
- barometre
- busole
- calendare de birou
- ceasuri
- ceasuri de soare
- clepsidre
- suport ceas de buzunar
- termometre
- Lampi & Sfestnice
- lampi cu petrol
- lampi cu ulei
- sfetnice de perete
- stingatoare de lumanari
- suport lumanari, sfetnice
Intellectual Property, Copyright & Trademarks
Intellectual Property, Copyright & Trademarks
All rights, including copyright, in the content of the Cosi Tabellini web pages (including trade names, text, product photographs, product titles, product descriptions, logos, catalogue design, newsletter design, music, sounds, video, web design, navigational buttons and images, web presentation and web arrangement) are owned, controlled or licensed by Cosi Tabellini. Such content is protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws under national laws and international treaties.In accessing the Cosi Tabellini web pages you agree that you may only download or electronically copy and print the content for your own individual and non-commercial use only. You are not permitted to copy, alter, extract, modify, reproduce, publish, disseminate, license or commercially exploit any of the content in any other way without the prior written permission of Cosi Tabellini.
Licence to Reproduce Content
All written text, including wordings for website and product reviews has been created by Cosi Tabellini. All product photographs used in the website, newsletter and brochure are originated by Cosi Tabellini (Italy) or Cosi Tabellini UK.
The proofreading and translation of the texts in Italian was done by Federico Tabellini.
If Cosi Tabellini does provide written permission for our content to be used by a third party, we would always expect a correct credit to Cosi Tabellini and, where applicable, a link to this site.
Cosi Tabellini reserves the right to withdraw any permission without explanation or notice if in its sole judgement use of such content is inappropriate.
Without prejudice to any rights that you may have under applicable mandatory law or other terms and conditions, we do not accept any liability for any loss or damage suffered by any person or company from the dissemination or use of the website or its content.
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+39 030 2002363
+39 030 2002370
e-mail: info@cositabellini.it
Vat n° IT03342520172
REA n° BS-362311
© 2016 Cosi Tabellini • CT M 95