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Modern pewter is non-toxic and very stable, so a perfect material for use with food and drink, as well as for decorative objects. Cosi Tabellini pewter is made of tin, copper and antimony only - it is completely lead-free and food-safe, and is approved by both the EU and US Food & Drug Administration (FDA).
Please note that pewter has an extremely low melting point (less than 200C), so it should never placed in an oven, microwave or exposed to a naked flame, or any other direct heat source.
Unlike silver, it tarnishes very slowly, so requires minimal attention to keep it looking attractive. Gradually a natural patina will build up, enhancing the beauty, by softening the already gentle lines, adding warmth and character to the object. To maintain this natural look, Cosi Tabellini suggest that you:
- Dust the item with a brush:
- Lightly swab the surface of the item with methylated spirits to remove marks
- Rub the item gently with a soft cloth or chamois leather
- For display pieces only, apply a wax coating to help protect them

For a more thorough cleaning and for greater protection from oxidation we can offer the product shown in the photo below.

As with any object used for food or drink, pewter needs to be washed thoroughly before first use, and then subsequently with warm water and a mild, preferably liquid, detergent, and it is suggested that delicate glassware and stemware should only be ever hand-washed this way.
Objects made from a combination of glass, or ceramic, and pewter should not be left to stand in water, as prolonged immersion could weaken the bond between the materials. It is better to dry the pewter straight away, as standing water can pit the surface of the pewter. It is also worth remembering that pewter is porous, so please do not allow food or drink to dry into the pewter.
Tableware and flatware can be washed in a dishwasher, but only on the lowest temperature setting (definitely not the extreme temperatures of a commercial machine) using liquid dishwasher soap. If you live in an area of hard water, however, a dishwasher is not recommended unless your house is equipped with a water softener, as it may tarnish and/or pit the pewter. Please let your pewter cool before removing it from the dishwasher to spare your fingertips and save your fingerprints!
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25128 Brescia Italia
+39 030 2002363
+39 030 2002370
e-mail: info@cositabellini.it
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REA n° BS-362311
© 2016 Cosi Tabellini • CT M 95