- Vin & glass
- bartilbehør
- champagnebøtter
- cocktail shaker
- flaskeåpner
- glassbrikker, flaskebrikker
- isbøtter
- kaffeserviser
- kopper, krus
- Melkekanne & fløtekanne
- mugger, karafler
- sukkerskåler
- Tekanner og kaffekanner
- vin og bartilbehør
- vinglass, krus, beger
- vinkjøler
- vinkorker dekorative
- vinsmaker
- Serviser - Bestikk
- bestikk
- boller, skåler, oppsats, stettefat
- dekke tallerkner, asjetter, tinnfat
- servering casserolle
- serveringsbrett
- serveringsfat
- servise sett
- skjærefjøler
- skjeer
- snacks skåler
- suppeterrin
- Den gamle Stil
- askebegere
- bilderammer, rammer
- bjeller
- blekkhus
- bokser, skrin
- bokstøtter
- brettspill
- brevholder
- forstørrelsesglass, papirkniv
- pennholder
- pipe holder
- Small trays for objects
- sparebøsser
- Antikk måleinstrumenter
- barometrer
- bordklokker, veggklokker
- evighetskalender
- gradestokker, termometre
- kompasser
- lommeur stand
- solur
- timeglass
- Interiør belysning
- Lyseslukker
- lysestaker, kubbelysholder, lykter
- oljelamper
- parafinlamper
- vegglysestaker
These pretty pewter watering cans not only look lovely, with their floral motifs, they also have iconic designs, where proportion and balance are important. As they are made of pewter, they are solid and substantial, and so can be tilted without spilling; there are top and back handles to allow two-handed carrying, as water is always surprisingly heavy, and the spout is narrow to allow only a controlled flow of water, as not to engulf a plant.
Watering cans have been around since the 17th Century, although the forerunner to the watering can - the watering pot - has been around since the 16th Century, albeit they were rather crude pots with holes in the bottom, and it took another century before the spout was invented. However, ever since humans have cultivated plants we have needed to be able to hand-water and succour them using some kind of vessel.
In the days of hoses and automated sprinkling systems, a watering can is rather charming and quaint; it touches the soul and evokes a spiritual connection of nurturing and tending to your plants - the stream of water pouring out of the spout can also be viewed as a symbol of life, salvation and renewal.
Watering cans have been around since the 17th Century, although the forerunner to the watering can - the watering pot - has been around since the 16th Century, albeit they were rather crude pots with holes in the bottom, and it took another century before the spout was invented. However, ever since humans have cultivated plants we have needed to be able to hand-water and succour them using some kind of vessel.
In the days of hoses and automated sprinkling systems, a watering can is rather charming and quaint; it touches the soul and evokes a spiritual connection of nurturing and tending to your plants - the stream of water pouring out of the spout can also be viewed as a symbol of life, salvation and renewal.
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