- Vasos y Jarros
- abrelatas de botella
- accesorios vino
- azucareros
- catadores
- cristales, cubiletes
- cubos de champán
- cubos de hielo
- enfriadores
- jarras, decantadores, frascos
- Jarritas para leche
- picheles, vasos
- posavasos
- servicios del té y del coffe
- shaker
- tapones de corcho con adornos
- teteras y cafeteras
- utensilios de coctelería
- Vajillas y Cubiertos
- bandejas
- bandejas del entremés
- cubiertos
- cucharas
- juegos de vajillas
- platos
- platos de servicio
- soperas
- sostenedores del plato del pyrex
- tablas de cortar
- tazones, centro de mesa, cuenco, escudillas
- Material de escritorio
- bandejas pequeñas para los objetos
- cajas
- campanas
- ceniceros
- cuchillos de la lente y del papel
- juguetes
- marcos
- porta cartas
- portamonedas
- portaplumas
- posa pipa
- sujetalibros
- tintero
- Instrumentos científicos antiguos
- barómetros
- calendarios
- compases
- relojes
- relojes de arena, clepsidra
- relojes de sol
- soporte reloj de bolsillo
- termómetros
- Candelabros y Lámparas
- apaga velas
- candelabros de pared
- candeleros, candelabros, porta velas
- farola, linterna
- lámparas de aceite
- Vasos y Jarros Vajillas y Cubiertos Accesorios para la mesa En la cocina Material de escritorio Instrumentos científicos antiguos Macetas y Floreros Candelabros y Lámparas Estatuillas, Figurillas, Miniaturas Accesorios de baño Accesorios moda Artículos religiosos
In the evolution of mankind there are few things which belong so strongly to the past as the solar clock.
Its history goes back to far centuries. It certainly begins with the immediate experience of night and day alternation and change in the length and direction of shadows. It is easy to suppose that the first instrument for measuring time has been a stick or a post rammend in the ground. The solar clock had a wide diffusion among travellers and merchants in the second half of the 17th century but at the end of the 20th century it lost its importance in regulating social life as a consequence of the hight tecnological level achieved by mechanical clocks.
After almost a century of dark and silence, a surprisingly lively interest in solar clock is now arising. The new attention for these forgotten instruments represeents the instinctive nostalgia for an age in which days were counted in quarters of hour, work was carried out from sunrise to sunset, the passing of time was measured by the slow lenghtening of shadows and in which people arranged appointments "when your shadow will be ten times your foot" (Aristophanes).
The person who fells too compressed by today's culture of time frenzy will find in the object we are proposing a moment of relax while observing the passing of time, in the displacing of shadows, in a dimension again human and acceptable.
In the evolution of mankind there are few things which belong so strongly to the past as the solar clock.
Its history goes back to far centuries. It certainly begins with the immediate experience of night and day alternation and change in the length and direction of shadows. It is easy to suppose that the first instrument for measuring time has been a stick or a post rammend in the ground. The solar clock had a wide diffusion among travellers and merchants in the second half of the 17th century but at the end of the 20th century it lost its importance in regulating social life as a consequence of the hight tecnological level achieved by mechanical clocks.
After almost a century of dark and silence, a surprisingly lively interest in solar clock is now arising. The new attention for these forgotten instruments represeents the instinctive nostalgia for an age in which days were counted in quarters of hour, work was carried out from sunrise to sunset, the passing of time was measured by the slow lenghtening of shadows and in which people arranged appointments "when your shadow will be ten times your foot" (Aristophanes).
The person who fells too compressed by today's culture of time frenzy will find in the object we are proposing a moment of relax while observing the passing of time, in the displacing of shadows, in a dimension again human and acceptable.
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