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- vinkjøler
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- vinsmaker
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- parafinlamper
- vegglysestaker
Vinkjøler (with Vacu Vin insert)
cm h 20,5
farge: grå
Designer: Gigi Fasser - Sergio Tabellini
The Asti Pewter Wine Cooler, is the ideal wine accessory to serve perfectly chilled wine.
The traditional exterior hides a modern twist - a contemporary plastic gel-filled insert, from Vacu Vin, cleverly concealed within the pewter shell to chill a bottle of wine.
The removable cooling insert chills wine within 5 minutes and keeps it cold for hours. Simply store the cooling insert in the freezer for at least 6 hours (it lies flat so require minimal space). Then place the insert within the pewter sleeve and then insert the bottle of your choosing.
The cooling element is made up of a FDA approved non-toxic gel, and is both flexible and virtually unbreakable, so will tolerate regular and prolonged usage.
The traditional exterior hides a modern twist - a contemporary plastic gel-filled insert, from Vacu Vin, cleverly concealed within the pewter shell to chill a bottle of wine.
The removable cooling insert chills wine within 5 minutes and keeps it cold for hours. Simply store the cooling insert in the freezer for at least 6 hours (it lies flat so require minimal space). Then place the insert within the pewter sleeve and then insert the bottle of your choosing.
The cooling element is made up of a FDA approved non-toxic gel, and is both flexible and virtually unbreakable, so will tolerate regular and prolonged usage.
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