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Зеркало АРТ-Нуво - 131
cm 36.5 x 27
олова / Britannia Metal и Стекло
цвет: серый
Дизайнер: Achille Gamba
collection: Art Nouveau
This elegant vanity mirror is a typical masterpiece of Art Nouveau. The frame is adorned with flowers and the peculiarity of this article is the young woman who looks at her reflect in the mirror.
It was designed by the influential sculptor/designer Albert Mayer for the well known German firm WMF.
The Würtembergische MetalwarenFabrik was, around 1900, the world's largest producer and exporter of household metalware, mainly in the JUGENDSTIL style.
Albert Mayer was the head of the WMF Art Studio during the latter years of the 19th century and the years leading up to 1914.
Mayer specialized in designs which depicted beautiful maidens & nymphs with flowing hair and graceful postures.
This item is illustrated at page 295 of the original "The Art Nouveau Domestic Metalwork Catalogue" from W.M.F. as model nº 131.
In the picture you can see the original design illustrated in the catalogue.
The reproduction of this work is hand-made in Britannia metal as the original and has the same size and finish.
Britannia metal is a pewter-type alloy favoured for its silvery appearance and smooth surface. The composition is 93% tin, 5% antimony, and 2% copper.
It was designed by the influential sculptor/designer Albert Mayer for the well known German firm WMF.
The Würtembergische MetalwarenFabrik was, around 1900, the world's largest producer and exporter of household metalware, mainly in the JUGENDSTIL style.
Albert Mayer was the head of the WMF Art Studio during the latter years of the 19th century and the years leading up to 1914.
Mayer specialized in designs which depicted beautiful maidens & nymphs with flowing hair and graceful postures.
This item is illustrated at page 295 of the original "The Art Nouveau Domestic Metalwork Catalogue" from W.M.F. as model nº 131.
In the picture you can see the original design illustrated in the catalogue.
The reproduction of this work is hand-made in Britannia metal as the original and has the same size and finish.
Britannia metal is a pewter-type alloy favoured for its silvery appearance and smooth surface. The composition is 93% tin, 5% antimony, and 2% copper.
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