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Бокал для игристого вина
cm h 23 x cl 19
олова и lead-free Crystal glass
цвет: серый
Дизайнер: Alberto Tabellini
"Please... Raise your glass in a toast to…"
No matter what the occasion, wedding, anniversary, simply good news… this exquisite pewter and crystal champagne glass is qualified for the task in hand! The elegant pewter stem allows the drinker to hold the flute there without affecting the temperature of the glass, ensuring the champagne stays cool, when champagne tastes its best, and the flute shape encourages a slow rise of bubbles to the rim, prolonging effervescence.
The champagne glass, sold in pairs, is complemented by many others within the Barolo glassware range, each handcrafted by Italian pewterers; all with solid tactile pewter stems and elegant crystal glass.
These glasses simply look and feel good. Cheers!
No matter what the occasion, wedding, anniversary, simply good news… this exquisite pewter and crystal champagne glass is qualified for the task in hand! The elegant pewter stem allows the drinker to hold the flute there without affecting the temperature of the glass, ensuring the champagne stays cool, when champagne tastes its best, and the flute shape encourages a slow rise of bubbles to the rim, prolonging effervescence.
The champagne glass, sold in pairs, is complemented by many others within the Barolo glassware range, each handcrafted by Italian pewterers; all with solid tactile pewter stems and elegant crystal glass.
These glasses simply look and feel good. Cheers!
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+39 030 2002363
+39 030 2002370
e-mail: info@cositabellini.it
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REA n° BS-362311
© 2016 Cosi Tabellini • CT M 95