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Будильник 'Retrò'
cm Ø 11
олова и Стекло
цвет: серый
Дизайнер: Alberto Tabellini - David Reiss
A classic necessity on your bedside table, or a perfect gift for those who do, and those who don't, respect the medium of time!!
The former, always prompt, will appreciate it's timeliness and beauty; the latter, more often than not late, may despair at the need to be timely, yet cannot help but appreciate the beauty of the instrument.
With an efficient German battery movement encased within the romantic Italian crafted pewter, Cosi Tabellini craftsmen have created an object of useful beauty.
The carrying handle on the top of the Toscana Alarm Clock is reflective of the 17th and 18th Century style of clocks, which required a handle for practical reasons, as they need to be carried downstairs during the day, and upstairs at night, because they were expensive items and households could generally only afford one clock per household, and hence needed to be transportable.
The former, always prompt, will appreciate it's timeliness and beauty; the latter, more often than not late, may despair at the need to be timely, yet cannot help but appreciate the beauty of the instrument.
With an efficient German battery movement encased within the romantic Italian crafted pewter, Cosi Tabellini craftsmen have created an object of useful beauty.
The carrying handle on the top of the Toscana Alarm Clock is reflective of the 17th and 18th Century style of clocks, which required a handle for practical reasons, as they need to be carried downstairs during the day, and upstairs at night, because they were expensive items and households could generally only afford one clock per household, and hence needed to be transportable.

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